
Box Spring Models, which are known as "Scandinavian Beds", are under the category of KayScandinavian. If you want you can choose our Box Spring Set as blind bases or spring base which offers more comfort. Our box Spring Sets are split in to two as moving and still. Our moving Box Spring Sets feature is the independently controlled motion options. With the mobility of your bed will be able to enjoy your bedroom before going to sleep and after waking up. Two platforms that can move independently and that offers a sleep comfort for couples and they can sleep freely. Lets create your KayScandinavian sleep system together! Lets decide your base as a comfortable spring base and lets decide a motion module for your mattress. With this two decisions we found answers to the two most important questions for your BoxSpring. But how will the inside of your bed look like? At this point, we apply personalized mattress filler material. We add any mattress you choose from our catalog to your BoxSpring. By this, each produced BoxSpring becomes special production to each person.


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